Descubre un viaje por la historia, Patrimonio, cultura y fiestas tradicionales de nuestro país. La exuberancia de los ecosistemas naturales y su gente se manifiesta en un mestizaje cultural festivo y de celebraciones. Basado en los relatos de escritores, historiadores, y artistas de reconocimiento nacional.

Fecha de estreno: 15 de Agosto del 2024 

Reparto: Jorge Orlando Melo, Margarita Garrido, Álvaro Tirado Mejía, Luis Prado, José Daniel.

Director: Marco A Contreras. 



SAP Sapphire 2023: los anuncios en innovación e Inteligencia Artificial para América Latina

SAP Sapphire 2023, Sao Paulo, la principal conferencia de SAP para clientes, expertos y socios, realizó su segunda edición en Brasil. El evento reunió a cerca de 2.000 líderes empresariales de América Latina para debatir sobre el futuro de los negocios, la gestión sostenible y los desafíos que plantea la Inteligencia Artificial (IA).

Durante el evento, SAP hizo importantes anuncios en temas clave como sostenibilidad, Cloud e Inteligencia Artificial. Además, SAP dedicó un espacio para mostrar los resultados obtenidos a través de la creación de su área de innovación, la cual busca apoyar a las pequeñas y medianas empresas de América Latina, incluyendo startups y unicornios.

Igualmente, SAP compartió sus planes en materia de sostenibilidad y presentó el estudio ‘La sostenibilidad en la agenda del liderazgo latinoamericano’ , realizado a principios de 2023, que muestra el avance de las empresas en este tema.

Durante el programa de 5 meses, las nuevas empresas seleccionadas trabajarán para crear y desarrollar asociaciones a largo plazo con SAP mediante la definición de casos de uso conjunto, integración de productos y diversas oportunidades de desarrollo comercial. Los clientes de SAP también participarán en el programa mediante la evaluación de oportunidades para pruebas de concepto.

Sapphire Now 2020

Welcome to SAPPHIRE NOW Reimagined

SAP Vision: Turning a Big Challenge into a Big Opportunity

Leading a company in this new reality can seem like an overwhelming task, with no option but to adapt and adjust. The good news is that it can also be an opportunity to set a new course.

SAP Leadership: Technology and Resilience: The Formula for Success in Tough Times

Technological innovation is helping companies in Latin America to react and adapt quickly in times of unprecedented change. Now more than ever, success depends on a sound digital strategy. Join Claudio Muruzabal, president of SAP Latin America, for a plenary session where he will share his vision on what companies should do in the "new normal" and prepare for the future.

Intelligent Enterprise: Free Market grows non-stop

The supply chain has never been a higher priority for companies, as disruption exposed their strengths and weaknesses. Networks and Industry 4.0 can help you address supply chain resilience and recovery and re-imagine processes to help your business thrive. You will share your vision of what companies should do in the "new normal" and prepare for the future.

Intelligent Enterprise: Marzam: Linking health and innovation

Desmond Mullarkey, president of SAP Mexico, talks with José Alberto Peña, CEO of Marzam, about how they are dealing with the current situation and how technology has been an enabler to get ahead. 

Intelligent Enterprise: How to be an Intelligent Enterprise in times of crisis

The intelligent company is the one that can quickly understand the changes and manages to adapt to new realities. Through the case of Grupo Energía Bogotá, we will tell the importance of the digital transformation to be a smart company in the situation of COVID-19.

SAPPHIRE NOW Reimagined / Latin America & Caribbean

Please click on the buttons below to access Spanish content creado específicamente para América Latina & Caribe

This is how technology helps companies in times of crisis

Technology is the essential weapon that many organizations in Colombia and the world have used to mitigate or adapt to the effects that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused in global economies. This was the conclusion of several experts from different local industries, who met to discuss the role of technology and digital transformation in business, as well as the impact that these have generated in companies affected by the pandemic.

According to Business Insider, 65% of companies in the world have been impacted somewhat negatively or very negatively by the current situation. This has forced them to come up with strategies that allow them to solve challenges for which many were not prepared. According to Guillermo Brinkmann, president of SAP for the Northern Region of Latin America and the Caribbean, the COVID-19 in the national and global economy has changed the objectives of the organizations, so that they can operate in a non-presential way and ensure a production chain that satisfies the current supply and demand. Brinkman emphasized how e-commerce has risen as an urgent need for many companies that previously did not even consider it, since with online dynamics companies can reach more markets, get closer to their customers and establish instant communications with their entire value chain.

In turn, Carlos Zenteno, president of Claro Colombia, said that all companies today have the challenge of integrating technology in all its business areas. He added that "the digital transformation is not only a matter of technology, but a strategic decision that changes the culture of an organization and in which from the presidents must be aware of its appropriation". In Zenteno's opinion, this cultural change and the rapid adoption of many technologies will be the cross-cutting axis, regardless of the industry we belong to, of the moments of recovery after the current situation.

Juan Carlos Pinzón, President of ProBogotá, states that the organizations themselves are called upon to find those technologies that allow them to solve challenges in areas such as economic reactivation, strengthening the health structure and digital immersion in the workplace. "It seems to me that the crisis has shown us the great challenges that we as companies and government must solve in the now. Among them, the increase in broadband connectivity and digital channels, the retraining of workers towards a more digital world and the incorporation of technologies that allow different sectors to operate their businesses in a more optimized way," said Pinzón.

Management agreed that the timing is critical and has hit some sectors harder than others. However, it is key that it be seen - even if the moment is difficult - as an opportunity to find technology-based improvements to make processes more digital and flexible so that they can adapt to external circumstances, no matter how demanding. They also stated that the time to start digitalization and digital transformation processes is now, and insisted that organizations should not postpone their decisions to implement new technologies.


Guillermo Brinkmann

SAP for the Northern Region of Latin America and the Caribbean President

"The level of digital adoption of a company depends very much on the industry it belongs to. There will be companies that recover faster than others. For example, the financial sector, utilities, health care, and telecommunications are among those that have hardly stopped, while industries such as tourism, airlines, entertainment, and oil & gas will have a slower return to the economy".

"Companies that began their digital transformation or are in the process of doing so will have better tools to survive the crisis by getting their basic operations up and running with enough cash flow to rethink their business for the future".

Carlos Zenteno

Claro Colombia President

"It is not an alternative for companies to live today without telecommunications and digital tools, no matter what sector they belong to. In fact, many of them that have continued to operate would not have been able to do so during this very difficult time if it had not been for the technological implementation processes they were carrying out".

"Today there is no choice but to transform. The digital transformation has accelerated, there is no turning back. This situation will make us change our way of thinking, both for companies and for citizens".

Juan Carlos Pinzón

ProBogotá President

"The crisis is creating a challenge in the management of the pandemic itself. For example, those cities and countries with technology to track infection have undoubtedly had a more positive impact in mitigating the virus than those without technological processes. This has shown us that efforts in this area should be focused on the fronts that really have the greatest impact on the population, such as strengthening health systems with technological solutions that allow for the collection and analysis of information in real time, in order to act at the right time and generate protection strategies for the health sector and citizens".

"It is necessary to create public policies that include issues of innovation, science, immersion and digital transformation that impact positively on the civil population and the economic sector. In this way, companies will be able to more easily implement technologies that serve to face situations such as those the country and the world are currently experiencing".

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Auteco's Implementation

Auteco is a leading motorcycle assembler in Colombia. It was born in Medellin, in 1941, and since then it has brought to the country emblematic models that bring progress to Colombians with reliable world-class service and exceptional results.

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